Intretinere Peridot
Îngrijire moderată
Precautii la Expunere
Recomandari Depozitare
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Only JPG, PNG or WebP file types are supported, and the file size should be less than 20MB.
Only JPG, PNG or WebP file types are supported, and the file size should be less than 20MB.
Drag and drop your image here, click "Upload Image," or paste the image here
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Only JPG, PNG or WebP file types are supported, and the file size should be less than 20MB.
Peridotul este o varietate de olivină, apreciată pentru tonurile sale verzi, de la verde-lămâie până la verde-măsliniu. În Antichitate, era considerat un talisman contra energiilor negative.
Are o duritate medie, astfel că zgârieturile și loviturile puternice pot afecta suprafața. Îngrijirea moderată este recomandată.
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Drop your image here
Only JPG, PNG or WebP file types are supported, and the file size should be less than 20MB.
Only JPG, PNG or WebP file types are supported, and the file size should be less than 20MB.
Drag and drop your image here, click "Upload Image," or paste the image here
Drop your image here
Only JPG, PNG or WebP file types are supported, and the file size should be less than 20MB.